The Secret to Accomplishing All Your Goals in 2024
Many people fall into the trap of goal setting and planning for the coming new year.

Many people fall into the trap of goal setting and planning for the coming new year.

Read that again.

Yes, I am going to share with you what the trap is. We must first understand that there is an ancient secret to accomplishment that over 90% of humans fail at, year after year. This secret has helped win wars, rebuild civilizations, and most importantly, to master one's self. How often have you seen others plan and set amazing goals for the new year, yet fail to accomplish them every single time? Every year, right? Are you also a victim of this?

Today, we make known the trap to the fall of goal setting and the secret to accomplishing them. As a bonus, we will share with you tips and tricks to help you accomplish your goals, dreams, and desires.

The Trap

The idea of making goals for the new year is great! This can truly help you progress, become a better person, expand your horizon, and more. The trap is not making too many goals. The trap is not making hard goals. The trap is not making the goals. The trap is linked to the secret. How ironic…

The Secret

The trap and secret are actually linked to each other.

The trap is to plan and set goals without the secret: EXECUTION.

Many people make wonderful plans and set amazing goals however do not plan to execute. If you are not sure what I mean by execution, I mean the "Where. When. How.".

For example, you set a goal to go for a run three days a week. Great! You already have the frequency of how many times you will run a week. Be more specific.

What days are you going to run in the week? Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Great!

What time? 6 AM. Great!

How long? or how far? 20 minutes around the block. Great!

Did you set an alarm 10 minutes before 6AM to give you time to get dressed? Yes. Great!

Did you put it in your calendar to help you remember? Yes. Great!

As you plan in detail, you will see that your goal will become more realistic and doable. Unbelievably, if you plan into detail and put in effort into the preparation of execution, you will notice that you are more invested in the execution.

BONUS: Tips and Tricks of Execution

-Write your goals on paper or on a digital document

-Use your Calendar: set your goal execution in your calendar

-Use reminders: Set reminders an hour or 30 minutes before your planned execution

-Use an alarm

-Put up your goal and execution sheet up on the fridge or somewhere you will see it daily

-Ask friends and family to help you stay accountable

-Use a reward system to help you stay motivated

-Use a consequence system to help you stay motivated

-Write down on paper or digital document why that goal is important to you and why you want to accomplish it

It's You

The Cherry on the cake to this is you. You must want to accomplish your goal. If you do not want it, you will most likely fail your execution. Stay motivated. The hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. Remember why you want it. Remember the initial time and investment in your plan of execution. If you lose motivation, listen to motivational speeches or music. Get back into it. Do not give up. You can do this!

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